Contact Us

Enterprises and institutions affiliated to YuanShengTai (EcoGano) Group

Wuyishan YuanShengTai Biological Technology Co., Ltd.

Fuzhou YuanShengTai Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.

Fuzhou YuanShengTai Health Science Technology Co., Ltd.

WuyiShan PengZu Health and Longevity Research Institute

WuyiShan YuanShengTai Chinese Herbal Medicine Planting Co., Ltd.


Phone: 0086 13706943089 (whatsapp)

Skype: brucejiang1985


Address: YuanShengTai health Industry Park, No 11 Wangfeng road, Xiandian eco-industrial zone, Wuyishan city, Fujian Province, China

For further contact, please kindly tell us your Skype and Whatsapp id, we will offer you discount for first order.

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