6 Reasons Reishi Mushrooms Are Good For Your Dog

#1 Fight Cancer

Reishi mushrooms have long been used to treat cancer in China and Japan. Their constituents include triterpenes, compounds that have many medicinal benefits.  Studies have shown their anti-cancer properties.

Reishi also contain beta glucans, which are complex sugars that are known to modulate the immune system … this means they boost the immune system but don’t over-stimulate it.  According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, reishi can correct the immune system whether it’s deficient or excessive.

Reishi may stop cancer growth and even shrink tumors in some cases.  They can also help prevent secondary cancers.

Research shows reishi mushrooms’ ability to support the immune system in fighting and preventing cancer.  Reishi may stop cancer growth and even shrink tumors in some cases.  They can also help prevent secondary cancers. Studies also show that reishi can reduce the side effects of chemotherapy or radiation treatment.

#2 Protect The Liver

Your dog can’t live without a healthy liver … so giving foods or supplements that help the liver do its job is a really good idea.

Reishi mushrooms have antioxidant properties that help nourish, detoxify and protect the liver.  These antioxidant properties minimize the damaging effects of free radicals that can slow down liver function.

Reishi can help with renewal of liver cells, strengthen the liver overall and improve the detox process.

In a study on rats, reishi has even been shown to reverse liver fibrosis, which is the final stage of fatty liver disease and is usually not treatable.

Reishi has also been used successfully to treat hepatitis B and liver cirrhosis in humans. While these aren’t dog diseases, this fact demonstrates the healing power reishi can bring to the liver.

Caution: if your dog already has severe liver disease, consult your holistic veterinarian before giving reishi.

#3 Manage Diabetes

Studies show reishi mushrooms can help manage diabetes. They can lower blood sugar and help regulate glucose levels.

Research also shows reishi mushrooms can prevent or slow kidney complications that can often develop in diabetics.

Another side effect of diabetes is that wounds can be slow to heal … and the antioxidants in reishi can also speed wound healing for diabetic patients.

If your dog’s on insulin or other medication for diabetes, talk to your holistic vet about how reishi might help reduce the need for these drugs.

#4 Support Heart Health

In Japan, reishi mushrooms are a traditional treatment for circulatory problems.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine reishi is used as a general tonic for the whole cardiovascular system.

Reishi act as vasodilators, improving blood supply and oxygen delivery to the heart. Vasodilators open blood vessels so that blood flows more easily and the heart doesn’t have to pump as hard.

Reishi act as vasodilators, improving blood supply and oxygen delivery to the heart. Vasodilators open blood vessels so that blood flows more easily and the heart doesn’t have to pump as hard.

Reishi have a blood thinning effect (so they shouldn’t be given in conjunction with blood thinning drugs like warfarin).

Reishi can also reduce blood pressure and can help relieve heart arrhythmia.

#5 Control Allergies

Reishi contain ganoderic acid, a triterpene that inhibits the release of histamines that cause allergic reactions.

Allergic reactions are an improper immune response … so allergies are another disorder that reishi’s immune modulating powers can help with. Reishi also have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions that can reduce allergy symptoms like itching and difficulty breathing.

Reishi can have a healing effect on the lungs, relieving coughs and other respiratory issues.

#6 Slow Aging

Reishi can delay the aging process and reduce aging symptoms.

A study of a reishi supplement fed to mice resulted in longer lifespans and reduced death risks. Increased longevity is one of the benefits reishi are famous for … and the reason for the mushroom of immortality name!

Reishi can fight immunosenescence … the gradual decline of the immune system brought on by the aging process over time.

Reishi’s powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties can help prevent and even reverse cognitive decline, as well as manage aging joint issues like arthritis.